Swimming Pool Maintenance 101
This video is 90 minutes and covers all the topics you will need to understand in order to maintain your pool from week to week between pool opening and pool closing.
We discuss:
-How the filtration system works
-How to backwash the filter and clean the pump
-How to use the waste setting
-Understanding pool chemistry (Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, Chlorine Stabilizer, etc)
-Understanding Salt-based pools and how they relate to traditional chlorine pools
-Discussing issues of Algae, Metals, & Phosphates in the pool
-What chemicals to use and when to use them
-How to check the pool chemistry
-How to add specific chemicals to your pool
-Required maintenance equipment
-How to set up the maintenance equipment for vacuuming
-How a Hayward Salt System works
The purpose of this is to offer you a way to take control of your pool maintenance without wasting hundreds of dollars a year on unnecessary products due to a lack of understanding chemistry. We also highlight the ways you can keep up with the needs of your filtration system so you don't have to schedule costly service trips to address basic problems during the season.
We hope you have a happy and healthy summer enjoying your clean and balanced swimming pool!