Pool Closing & Winterization

Atlantis Pool Service offers the following comprehensive pool closing and winterization services help protect your pool from freeze damage:
Swimming Pool Closing & Winterization
(General / Standard procedures. Spa, heater, caretaker, trough, or water feature requires additional steps.)
Remove cover from storage and prepare for re-installation on pool
Open deck hardware for cover (or fill up waterbags for tarp-style cover)
Lower water (if necessary) to proper initial winterizing height
Extract and replace deck hardware that is seized (or replace damaged waterbags)
Remove ladders and handrails
Remove skimmer baskets, skimmer weirs, jet nozzles, and wall fittings
Install blowout winterizing blowout gizmos in skimmer(s)
Teflon-tape wrap all threaded plugs
Setup commercial / high-volume blower
Blow all underground lines
Cap all inlets and outlets while blowing to ensure complete evacuation of water from lines
Check to ensure all plugs and gizmos have an airtight seal and no bubbles are escaping with blower running
Airlock main drain / deep water liens
Add antifreeze to skimmer line(s)
Drain and winterize pump, filter, chlorinator, heater, and any other system components
Cover pool and secure with deck hardware (or waterbags)
Adjust spring / strap hardware to tighten cover, if necessary
Atlantis Winterguard Program
(Optional winter service to help protect your pool between closing and opening.)
One trip each month (November, December, January, February, and March) to check on pool, water level, cover, system, and related items.
Draining pool, as necessary on any and all visits, when rainfall has put water level at or above tile line of the pool.
Cleaning of leaves and debris off cover
Tightening of cover straps, as necessary
Shocking pool under the cover once over winter months (regardless of rainfall) to cut down on algae growth and improve water condition at opening.