Please fill out the following form to select your preferred week
and an alternate week for your 2025 swimming pool closing.
​Closing prices are the same for every week after Labor Day.
Any closings performed prior to Labor Day are discounted $50 below regular prices.
OPTIONAL - Winter Services :
Option 1 - Atlantis Winterguard - COMPLETE Coverage: We will perform a service trip to your pool each month throughout the winter (November, December, January, February, and March) to check on the pool, cover, system, and water level inside the pool. Excess water will be drained from your pool, when needed, on any trip. Additionally, our crew will clean debris off of the cover and adjust or tighten the straps, if necessary. Additionally, one chemical / shock treatment will be added to the pool in December to help curb winter algae growth for the spring. Cost is $450 and includes 5 monthly service trips, all necessary pump-downs, and chemicals.
Option 2 - End of year pump-down: We will perform ONE service trip to your pool between Thanksgiving and the end of the year to drain excess water from the pool, tighten the cover and add shock.
Cost is $175 and includes 1 service trip and chemical treatment.
(Additional pump-downs can be requested at the rate of $175 per pumpdown.)
Please fill out and submit this form and we will contact you to confirm your closing.